Sex Up Your Room Tip #2 Lighting
Lighting is an often VERY overlooked element in the bedroom. This is a huge mistake. We all know how atrocious we all look in a fitting room with those bright fluorescent lights. Having a fluorescent overhead lighting will lead to the same effect. Setting up other light sources in your room such as table lamps and candles and using those to achieve the best lighting for your rendezvous will not only set the mood, but boost your confidence. Use pink-tinted light bulbs or other softer colored light bulbs to flatter your skin even more. Plus nobody wants to be blinded looking up into bright lights.
I personally have two nightstand lamps that cast a soft purple and are very dim from Ikea. I also am a big fan of candles, lots of candles! In particular I like candles that have a nice smell, such as one with an aphrodisiac aroma to involve all the senses in the experience. I also like the massage candles, because they smell nice, have great lightening, and are a great way to start a sensual massage with warm hot massage oil.
Candles are an excellent addition. You get romantic ambiance and also great mood lighting. If you are worried about the fire hazard of having candles everywhere or you know you can be a bit clumsy, there are alternatives. To keep the glow longer, and safer, consider battery operated flameless candles.
At Got It Video and Novelties (Norfolk Location) we have several valentine kits that have tea lights. We also have a large selection of Massage Candles by Senze and Earthly Body’s. We also have several Earthly Bodies Kits (includes candles, lotion, oil, and more). If you are looking for a scent popular among men the “Naked in the Woods” by Earth Body’s Natural Soy Massage Candles and “Vitalizing” by Swede’s Senze Herbal Aphrodisiac Massage Candles.